IntroductionHello, I am Zaquon Jones an 8th grader, I am in a career class at Baker Middle School, which is in Columbus, GA. The class is called Computer Applications. The class teaches how to type. We will also learn about businesses and how to create one.
Ms. Jackson's ClassThese are some of the things we are doing now in Ms. Jackson's class. She has put black covers over the keyboard so we can learn how to type. This may help us for some of the jobs we might have in the future. Today our session was about the 21st Century Employment Skills,and how you should talk and dress when you go on an interview for a job.
So that's what my class was about today.
First Few Weeks of SchoolPreviously, we learned about the Parts of the Computer. We had to draw our own computer, create a circle map, use
PuzzleMaker to create a word search, and finally use PowerPoint to draw our own computer.
I will post an example of our assignments later. It is time to go home.
PowerPoint Drawing on Parts of the Computer
Word Search Created in Puzzlemaker
by: Victor Johnson