Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Taniesha Tolbert's Cyberbullying Poster, the title didn't copy, but it is Sexting!
This is an example of an a business letter that we had to write to another business for them to assist us. The example is a block style business letter.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
My Typing Class
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The 1st 9 Weeks is Over
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Effective Communication Skills Used to Succed in the Business World
code, attendance, and other workplace expectations.
Differentiate between verbal and non-verbal communication
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Keyboarding Class
Since I already know how to type Ms. Jackson started me on my numbers and symbols. In order to type your symbols you have to use your shift keys (right or left). You use your left shift for your right hand and right shift for your left hand. If you don't use your shift keys you will only type the numbers.
by Cameron Reeves
I took this class last year and learned my alphabetic keyboard. This year, Ms. Jackson started me on my numbers and symbols. Ms. Jackson allows us to make-up missed work. She also gives us an opportunity to do our Do Now's on the SmartBoard. We usually do our keyboarding for 30 minutes and after that we can get on FreeRice or Brainbashers.
by Jacoby King
Friday, August 20, 2010
Business Ed In Homeroom
Since we have been discussing money, Ms. Jackson has made us aware of what people do with their everyday lives and money. Many people get up every morning, go to work, come home, watch televison, eat dinner, go to bed, to get up and do the same thing the next do. We don't think about what it is we want to do, if we do, we don't think we can achieve those things. Ms. Jackson asked us to think outside the box. No matter how crazy it is, whatever we wanted to do we had to put it in our thinking map. Below is my Bubble Map of some of the things I would like to do when I grow up.
Bubble Map on What I Want to Do When I Grow Up
~* Shunthenia*~Wednesday, August 18, 2010
It's the Beginning of a New Year at a New School
My Class Playing on the Smartboard
we've done matching definitions to terms
a bubble page about ourselves
a circle map on what we expect of her as a teacher
today we did a crossword puzzle
we learned our homerow keys (ASDF JKL;) a little about typing it's challenging, but fun to learn
we also played, this is a site that donates grains of rice to needy countries
Deanna Brannon and Autumn Church doing their typing assignment
So you should sign up for Business and Computer Science.
Insider's message it's true, this class is fun, but challenging.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
2010-2011 School Term
This starts another school year at a different school (Fort Middle). I am still in the same county. This year there will be many things going on within my classroom. Since I have changed schools, I have realized that that are so many other things that can be done within my classroom.
During this term, I will try to have an example of students work and/or have a student post at least once a week.
I am excited about the new year, the new school, the new students, and my new co-workers!
When my classroom is in order I will post a picture!
Students Preparing to Do their Do Now
I anticipate having a wonderful year. Teaching the students how to type and use the programs to their benefit. First I must ensure that all students are able to type correctly, using the right fingers for the right keys. Next, we will go into depth with the standards. As the year progresses, students will post what they have learned and maybe show an example of their work.
This is a new year at a new school and things will be successful!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Tree Map on Internet Safety for Teens
We created our Tree Maps using PowerPoint.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Internet Safety for Teens
1. Cyberbulling is bullying which is carried out through an internet service such as email, chat room, discussion group or instant messaging. It can also include bullying through mobile phone technologies such as short message services ringing about Cyberbulling.
2. Sexting is sending obscence pictures of yourself via the Internet or cell phone.
3. Internet Safety: making sure you do not give out personal information via the Internet, email, chat rooms, discussion groups or via instant messaging.
4. Cell Phone Tips: Not sending nasty or vulgar text messages, do not give out personal information using your cell phone.
Ms. Jackson uses the Smartboard to show us videos pertaining to Cyberbullying. We have also played games to support Internet Safety on the Smartboard.
These are a few things that we are learning in my keyboarding class. Another thing, I am also learning how to type using the correct fingers for the correct keys.
Below are some sites that Ms. Jackson has shown us pertaining to Internet Safety.
FBI Kids
Internet Safety
Please be careful using the Internet because there are predators out there waiting.